Monday, June 29, 2009

Can you tell me where the weight room is?

This week Nate will be starting several months of intense physical therapy. He has a long road ahead of him. He is moving to a different floor in the hospital and will be working on basic functions such as sitting up on his own, lifting his arms, opening his hands, swallowing and speaking.

Daily visiting hours will be restricted until 4:30pm.

Nate seems to be in goods spirits and enjoys any kind of uplifting, funny cards and comments to the blog.

I'm sure Mark and Frankie will be learning a lot about how to help him in his recovery as well. The goal is to get him well enough to come home by the fall.

We are hopeful that he can resume treatments for his MS as soon as he is well enough (possibly chemotherapy).

As always, your thoughts and prayers are felt and appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Nate,
    It sounds like I will have to look for you in the gym on my next visit. I hope you don't become a gym bum :) I have been wanted to visit you, but have been sick and thought the last thing you needed was a cold. I'm glad your doing better and better, even if it feels like slow progress at times. Keep smiling, our prayers and thoughts are with you.
    -Sara Callister
