Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Can we visit Nate?

Nate had an echo cardiogram today to determine if the infection is in his heart. The test was negative, so the next step is to go back into his brain and determine if the infection is there. He will have surgery today or tomorrow.

As he recovers, he will need some peace and quiet. We ask that visits to the hospital to see him are held off until after his recovery from surgery. Please feel free to send well wishes via this blog or by calling.

We're all pulling for ya Nate. Your skin tight Utah Jazz pants are awaiting your return!



  1. I hope that all goes well and they can find the source of the infection quickly and treat it. We will keep Nate and your family in our prayers.

  2. Nate,
    My prayers and thoughts are with you. Reading how your spirits are so high brings tears to my eyes! Thinking of you bouncing to your ipod brought back many memories of you bringing joy and laughter into my life during hard times. I know you have strength that will carry you through. Please let me know if I can do anything!
    Katie Sorenson (Larsen)

  3. Oh how the Liljenquist's miss those skin tight Jazz pants. We love you Quake and know what a fighter you are. Those Jazz pants bring back so many good memories of Nate and the nut that he is.

  4. Love and Blessings to dear Nate and The Sonntags - Keeley and Alexis Montrone
